Welcome to AI District on the blockchain.

AI District is the DAO for AI innovation, community-driven exploration and investment in the future of AI.

#AIDistrict #crypto #blockchain #pancakeswap #buynow #BNB #BSC #AI

About Docs

Our docs outline key information about AI District on the blockchain.

Our project documentation is a comprehensive and detailed guide that provides insight into all aspects of a project. It serves as a reference for anyone interested in understanding the project and its goals, vision, and objectives. The documentation would include the following elements:

1.Introduction: A brief overview of the project, including its background, mission, and vision.

2.Technical Specifications: Detailed information on the underlying technology and architecture of the project, including consensus mechanism, smart contract functionality, and any technical innovations or improvements.

3.Development Roadmap: A timeline of the project's development goals, including milestones and deadlines for key features and releases.

4.Token Economics: Details on the token issuance, distribution, and governance model, including information on token supply, inflation rate, and any token-based incentives or rewards.

5.Regulatory Compliance: An overview of the project's approach to regulatory compliance, including any licenses or certifications, obtained, and its stance on security, privacy, and data protection.

6.Community Governance: Information on the project's community governance structure and decision-making processes, including voting rights for token holders and the role of the project's core team.

7.Security Measures: A comprehensive overview of the project's security measures, including information on security audits, penetration testing, and measures to prevent hacking and fraud.

The purpose of the project documentation is to provide potential investors, partners, and users with the information they need to make informed decisions about the project. By providing a comprehensive and transparent overview of the project, we truly want that the documentation to help in building trust and confidence in the project and promote its growth and success.

What it is?

AI District is a project incorporating artificial intelligence for efficient, sustainable, and inclusive growth.

What it is exactly?

AI District is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) built on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) network, aimed at exploring and investing in cutting-edge AI projects in the cryptocurrency space. The project is designed to offer a seamless and secure platform for community members to participate in AI research and development while enjoying community-driven benefits.

From where it exists?

The idea behind AI District originated from a group of AI and blockchain enthusiasts who saw an opportunity to combine the power of these two technologies to create a new and innovative platform for the AI community. They envisioned a community-driven platform where members could come together to collaborate, share knowledge, and invest in AI projects.

What is its mission?

The mission of AI District is to create a vibrant and collaborative ecosystem for the AI community, where members can participate in AI research and development, earn rewards through staking and investment, and enjoy a range of community-driven benefits and services. The project aims to provide a platform for knowledge sharing, collaboration, and innovation, and to help bring innovative AI projects to market through incubation and acceleration services.

Our vision

The vision of AI District is to be a leading player in the AI and cryptocurrency space, known for its cutting-edge AI projects, its vibrant community, and its innovative use of blockchain technology. The project aims to bring together the best minds in AI and blockchain to create a platform that drives innovation and growth in the AI community.

Technologies used

AI District is built on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) network, which provides a fast, secure, and low-cost platform for decentralized applications. The project uses a combination of smart contracts, non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and a voting system to manage community interactions and decision-making. The project also uses a suite of AI analytics tools to help members make informed decisions about AI projects and investments.

In conclusion, AI District is a unique and innovative project that brings together the power of AI and blockchain to create a platform for the AI community. Its mission and vision are aligned with the growth and development of the AI community, and its technical stack is designed to provide a seamless and secure experience for members.

Why BSC?

Why we have chosen Binance Smart Chain (BSC) as our network of choice.

1.Speed and Scalability: BSC has a block time of just 1 second, which is much faster compared to other blockchain networks such as Ethereum, which has a block time of 15 seconds. This faster block time means that transactions are processed much quicker, making it suitable for our platform which requires fast and efficient transactions. Additionally, BSC has the ability to process 100 transactions per second, allowing for a scalable solution that can accommodate our growing user base.

2.Low Cost: BSC offers lower gas fees compared to other networks, which allows us to provide more cost-effective services to our users. This low-cost structure means that our users will be able to interact with the AI District DAO platform without incurring excessive fees, which is important for widespread adoption and growth.

3.Interoperability: BSC is fully compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), which means that our platform can easily integrate with existing Ethereum-based dApps and tools. This interoperability allows us to leverage the existing ecosystem and bring innovations to the AI community.

4.Security: Binance is known for its security and reputation in the cryptocurrency space, and BSC is built on the same principles. This high level of security is critical for the success of our platform and the protection of our users' assets.

In conclusion, we believe that Binance Smart Chain is the best network for our platform due to its speed, scalability, low cost, interoperability, and security. These factors make BSC the ideal choice for our decentralized autonomous organization and we are confident that it will allow us to achieve our goals of advancing the field of AI through blockchain technology.

Key Features

Community Rank by NFT: Members can purchase a community rank assigned through an NFT, which is mined at their discretion. Ranks provide members with varying levels of voting power and influence in the project.

DAO Voting: Members can participate in DAO voting by staking tokens and owning a community rank through NFT. They can decide on the future direction of the project, including which AI projects to research and invest in.

Treasury Investment: The treasury or tax funds collected through the smart contract are used for potential investment into the delegated AI project. The delegated project must pass a proposal, vote, and AI risk verification before potential reward.

Index Fund Value: The value of the AI District Index Fund is calculated based on the value of all tokens invested and accumulated in the treasury investment wallet. The value of the index reflects the overall performance of the AI projects invested in by the community.

Staking: Members can earn rewards by participating in staking and contributing to the growth of the AI District community.

AI Community Hub: AI District serves as a hub for the AI community, providing a platform for knowledge sharing, collaboration, and innovation. Members can participate in AI-related events and initiatives, such as hackathons, AI tool development, and research projects.

AI Incubation: The project provides incubation and acceleration services for AI startups, helping to bring innovative AI projects to the market. The incubation program is designed to provide mentorship, resources, and support to help startups succeed.

AI Marketplace: AI District operates an AI marketplace where members can buy and sell AI-related products and services, such as data sets, models, and algorithms.

Token Economics

Involves specifying the token's supply, distribution, and value proposition, as well as its role within a larger ecosystem.

Token Issuance: AI District will launch its native token, the AID token, with a maximum supply of 100,000,000 tokens. No private sale will be conducted and only a presale will be conducted before the launch of the token.

Distribution: The distribution of the AID token will be divided into different phases and will be launched on Pancakeswap, with the potential for listing on centralized exchanges in the future. The following is the planned token distribution schedule:

  • Presale allocation: 36.9% of the total supply to be sold during the presale
  • Liquidity Pool allocation: 17.35% of the total supply to be sold during the initial launch on Pancakeswap
  • Programs & Rewards allocation: 22.5% of the total supply is to be sold or distributed over the next 12 months through various community incentives and rewards programs
  • DAO, Voting & Index Fund: 22.5% of the total supply is to be locked up for the AI District Index Fund to provide stability to the token's value.

Token Supply: The total supply of the AID token is 100,000,000 and no additional tokens can be minted as the token contract is immutable.

Inflation Rate: The AID token will have a built-in tax of 4% that will be applied to every transaction and redistributed back to token holders as an incentivized reward program.

Incentivised Reward Program: The back-to-holder system will be implemented in the smart contract, vo

Governance Model: The governance model of the AID token will be transparent and community-driven, allowing token holders to vote on key decisions related to the development and growth of the AI District ecosystem.

AI District Index Fund: The AI District Index Fund will consist of 22.5% of the total supply of the AID token, locked up for stability and to provide liquidity for the token. The fund's composition and rebalancing will be transparent and subject to community governance.

AI District Index Fund Lock-up: The lock-up period reserved for investments will have a lock-up period of 24 months with 4 unlocking periods for the period of 12 months

Release Schedule: The entire 100,000,000 AID tokens will be released into circulation over the next 24 months through the different distribution phases as outlined above.

Disclaimer: Please note that the token economics and distribution details are subject to change and are not a guarantee of the actual outcome. Investing in the AID token is subject to various risks and uncertainties and should be done at your own risk. AI District does not offer any form of financial or investment advice.


Token name: AI District

Token ticker: AID

Contract address: 0x7e37B487a46d4DFbA47fDd7e4A0723f5Ea7D33C2

Circulation supply: 550,000,000

Total supply: 1,000,000,000

Maximum supply: 1,000,000,000

Token decimals: 18

Network / Blockchain: Binance Smart Chain (BEP-20)

Source code link: Github

Source code type: ✓ Verified

Compiler version: v0.8.18+commit.87f61d96

Optimization: ✓ Enabled

BSCScan: 0x7e37B487a46d4DFbA47fDd7e4A0723f5Ea7D33C2

Head to PancakeSwap now and buy $AID to get started on our journey towards a decentralized future!



Q1 2023

Product Ideation and Development: The development team will focus on conceptualizing and creating the initial product vision, conducting research and development, and finalizing the product design.

Contract Deployment: The smart contract functionality will be deployed and tested on the Binance Smart Chain blockchain to ensure proper functionality and security.

Community Gathering and Fundraising: The project will engage with the community, gather feedback, and raise funds through presale or other fundraising efforts.

NFT and Staking Alpha Tests with Community: The project will conduct alpha tests of the NFT and staking functionalities with the community to gather feedback and make improvements.

Marketing and Partnerships: The project will focus on building partnerships with other organizations and businesses and on developing a comprehensive marketing strategy.

Official Launch: The official launch of the AI District platform will take place, marking the beginning of its journey as a decentralized platform for the development and deployment of AI-powered applications and services.

Q2 2023 — Q1 2024

Expansion of AI Technology: The development team will focus on expanding the AI technology used in AI District, including the integration of advanced AI algorithms and models.

Development of Decentralized AI Applications: The platform will be used to develop and deploy decentralized AI applications, including but not limited to predictive analytics, recommendation systems, and natural language processing.

Integration of Interoperability Features: The platform will be integrated with other blockchain platforms to allow for seamless interoperability between different blockchains and to increase its reach.

Continued Community Engagement and Feedback: The project will continue to engage with the community and gather feedback to ensure that it is aligned with the needs and desires of its users.

Expansion of Marketing and Partnerships: The project will expand its marketing efforts and continue to build partnerships with organizations and businesses to increase its visibility and reach.

Q2 2024

Release of Advanced AI Features: The platform will release advanced AI features, including real-time analytics, machine learning, and computer vision capabilities.

Development of Decentralized AI Services: The platform will be used to develop and deploy decentralized AI services, including but not limited to data storage, data analysis, and model training.

Expansion of Interoperability: The platform will continue to expand its interoperability features, allowing for seamless integration with other blockchain platforms and providing a unified experience for users.

Continued Community Engagement and Feedback: The project will continue to engage with the community and gather feedback to ensure that it is aligned with the needs and desires of its users.

This development roadmap outlines the key goals and milestones for the AI District project from Q1 2023 to Q2 2024. By focusing on expanding its AI technology, developing decentralized AI applications and services, and integrating interoperability features, AI District aims to become a leading platform for the development and deployment of AI-powered decentralized applications and services. With continued engagement with the community and ongoing marketing and partnership efforts, AI District is poised to make a significant impact in the blockchain and AI industries.

Roadmap Disclaimer:

The development roadmap is subject to change based on a variety of factors, including unforeseeable technical difficulties, changes in market conditions, and resource constraints. The project team will make every effort to adhere to the timeline outlined in this roadmap, but please be aware that it is possible that some milestones may be delayed or shifted. The information contained in this roadmap is for informational purposes only and does not represent a commitment or guarantee by the project team.


In conclusion, AI District is a community-driven platform that leverages the power of AI and blockchain technology to create a vibrant and collaborative ecosystem for the AI community. Members can participate in AI research and development, earn rewards through staking and investment, and enjoy a range of community-driven benefits and services.

Useful links:

Website: https://www.aidistrict.xyz/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/AIDistrictXYZ

Telegram: https://t.me/AIDistrict

Medium: https://aidistrict.medium.com/


Bitcointalk Username: Galang setiawan

Bitcointalk Profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3401375

Telegram username: @Galangsetiawan23

BSC address: 0xd4dC5676F70009E5f5BE356500974F607116091a

#Proof of Authentication



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